
KALDEWEI Persgedeelte

KALDEWEI, Ahlen, oktober 2024.

Met KALDEWEI worden duurzame badkamerdromen bewaarheid. Dat laat ook het jongste project van Studio Apostoli zien. Het Italiaanse design- en architectuurbureau uit Verona heeft acht suites van het resort- en spa-hotel Terme Preistoriche in het kuuroord Montegrotto bij…

Pers – Actueel

Ahlen, januari 2013
Baden en geëmailleerde douchevlakken worden omgetoverd in heel persoonlijke blikvangers

Is er iets fijners, dan na de koude wintermaanden in het voorjaar de natuur weer te zien ontwaken: Overal ontluiken de knoppen en steeds meer planten tonen hun bloemenpracht. Inspiratie te…

KALDEWEI Mega Duo Oval whirl baths with the Vivo Turbo system increase the relaxation factor in the VIP suites of the luxury hotel in Singapore

Ahlen, September 2011. – The Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore has the very highest standards in architecture, design and luxury. The hotel, which was…

Ahlen, July 2011. – Bathe, moisturise, done – that used to be how relaxing in the bath ended even as the bathroom, with its high quality, elegant fittings, increasingly became a designer-standard oasis of peace for relaxation and caring for body and mind. The “retreat” atmosphere is complemented…

Modern shower combines clarity and solidity with aesthetics and a sense of style

Ahlen, March 2011. – The bathroom is increasingly becoming the expression of a new aesthetic. The trend is moving towards floor-level showers, which are often positioned freely in the room and combine a special…

KALDEWEI’s Asymmetric Duo bath plays skilfully with design extremes and functional ergonomics

Ahlen, March 2011. – Combining a sense of style with the pioneering spirit, perfecting the synthesis of comfort and elegance whilst never losing sight of the meticulous passion for detail – this is a task…

Exclusive lighting concept for an atmospheric presentation of the whirl bath

Ahlen, May 2010. – KALDEWEI, the European market leader for steel enamel baths and shower trays, emphasises its whirl competence by introducing a new, exclusive lighting concept for the Vivo Turbo whirl system. Vivo Turbo…

KALDEWEI presents current survey "paradigm change in the bathroom as an answer to changes of society"

Ahlen, February 2011. In  our  fast-moving  world,  the  demands on every  single  person  continually  increase. To remain able to perform, people need to be able to compensate for growing…

KALDEWEI introduces three new lighting systems for bathtubs

Ahlen, March 2010. – Immerse in a sea of light and colour: the three new KALDEWEI lighting systems for baths – “spectral light”, “underwater spotlights” and “indirect lighting” – make it possible. It has been known for centuries that light…